Facial Procedures: Facelifts, Face Peels, Dermal Fillers, and other Cosmetic Treatments

Dr. Kang offers a wide variety of both surgical and nonsurgical facial procedures. These treatments can improve the appearance of wrinkles, treat acne, and may involve other more complex reconstructive and cosmetic changes as well.

Common facial procedures include:

  • Forehead lift

  • Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

  • Cosmetic ear surgery (Otoplasty)

  • Forehead lift

  • Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)

  • Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty)

  • Dermabrasion

Forehead lift

Usually done as an outpatient procedure with local anesthesia and limited hair removal, a surgical procedure known as a forehead lift can resolve drooping eyebrows, forehead furrows, and frown lines. The surgeon removes excess skin, tissue, and muscle, leaving the patient with more youthful looking eyes, a smoother brow, and a rejuvenated facial expression.

Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

One of the most common plastic surgery procedures is a facelift. This treatment addresses crow’s feet, jowls, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. During the procedure, the surgeon repositions muscle and connective tissue and removes excess skin. The result is a more youthful-looking face.

Cosmetic ear surgery (Otoplasty)

Protruding ears can be corrected through cosmetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, giving a patient (particularly children) more self-confidence without altering hearing ability. After studying the structure of the patient’s ears, the surgeon reshapes them by either trimming cartilage or using stitches to mold the cartilage into a more aesthetically-pleasing appearance.

Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Sagging eyelids caused by weakening eye muscles make you look older and can actually hinder your peripheral vision. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is an outpatient procedure during which the surgeon removes or redistributes excess skin, muscle, and/or fat from one or both eyelids. Usually performed in less than two hours, the blepharoplasty procedure improves vision and can provide a more youthful look.

Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty)

Nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, reshapes the nose, making it more proportionate to a patient’s face. It also corrects breathing problems. Through an incision made inside the nose or in the tissue separating the nostrils, the surgeon reshapes the nose by removing bone or cartilage. Sometimes, cartilage grafts from the nose or ear are used to achieve the desired appearance or to achieve functional improvement in breathing.


This procedure surgically “sands down” raised areas of the skin to improve the appearance of scars and/or creases, even out skin pigmentation, and stimulate new collagen formation.

Dr. Kang offers a variety of Nonsurgical Facial Procedures including

  • BOTOX® injections (also used in the treatment of severe chronic migraines)

  • Filler or hyaluronic acid injections

  • Facial peels

  • Laser procedures

  • Restylane® injections

  • Spider vein treatment

Chemical Peels (Facial Peels)

It’s important to understand that the type of skin condition being treated will greatly affect the results experienced with facial peels. Ideal candidates for chemical peels generally have fair skin and light hair. However, darker skin types have been found to have great results as well. Dr. Kang will discuss with you your desired results during your initial consultation.

FAQs about Chemical Peels:

What are the risks of a chemical peel?

Generally, the risks associated with chemical peeling are low. Like many cosmetic procedures, chemical peels include a slight risk of infection. In some cases, patients reported temporary or permanent skin color alteration.

There is also a small risk of the following:

  • Reactivating cold sores in people with a medical history of herpes outbreaks.

  • Scarring, especially in patients who scar easily. If this should occur, scarring can generally be treated effectively.

How do I prepare for a chemical peel?

It is important to discuss with your doctor all medications you are taking(prescription and over-the-counter) before your chemical peel. Your doctor may recommend that you discontinue certain types of medicines.

The prevention of infection is paramount for those receiving a chemical peel. You may be prescribed antibiotics or antiviral medication prior to treatment. Prior to their procedure, some people may need to use topical preconditioning medication.

If you have a history of keloids or excessive scar tissue overgrowth at an injury or surgical site, report this to your doctor before receiving a chemical peel.

It’s important to follow your doctor’s advice as to receive all the benefits of your chemical peel without complications.

What happens after a chemical peel?

Many people describe varying experiences following a chemical peel. How you feel after treatment depends on the type and depth of the peel you receive.

Patients receiving a chemical peel reported a mild peel feels like a skin reaction resembling sunburn — initial redness, followed by scaling — all of which should clear up within one week. Patients who received a medium or deep peel generally report swelling and formation of water blisters. The blisters general break, crust, turns brown, and eventually peel off.

How many chemical peel treatments will I need?

Mild chemical peel: You can repeat treatments in one to four week intervals until you reach the desired effect.

Medium or deep chemical peels: If the optimal result is not reached through one treatment, you can receive another treatment in approximately six to twelve months.

The number of treatments will vary depending on your skin condition and the type of chemical peel treatment.

Laser Surgery

Lasers produce intense, precisely focused beams of high-energy light that can be used in a wide variety of medical and cosmetic treatments. Laser surgery is used to remove warts, birthmarks, tattoos, acne scars, and even precancerous growths. Lasers also are used to reduce unwanted hair, remove unwanted prominent blood vessels or spider veins, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes or lips.

Precise treatments:

  • Laser hair removal

  • Laser resurfacing

  • Photo rejuvenation

  • Skin tightening

  • Spider veins and facial vein treatments

  • Wrinkle reduction ProFactional laser therapy

Laser peels are available to treat:

  • Facial and leg veins

  • Wrinkles

  • Acne scars

  • Sun and age spots

  • Pigmented lesions

  • Rosacea

Set up an appointment with Dr. Jay Kang today!